Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer Is a Winner in Dermascope’s 2020 ACA Awards

Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer Is a Winner in Dermascope’s 2020 ACA Awards

Our Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer won first place in the Dermascope 2020 Aestheticians’ Choice Awards for Massage Supplies!

Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer

Thank you to all who voted for us. This award comes from nominations received from aesthetic professionals across the country. It is such an honor to be recognized as one of the top products in the industry. We love being able to support the spa industry and the great people within it.

Special Thank You Offer

To celebrate our Dermascope award, we're offering half-off our NCBTMB-approved Continuing Education for Himalayan Salt Stone Massage with your order of a Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer or Bamboo Warming Tray or our new portable Therapist's Choice Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer (pictured above). Email us< to take advantage of this limited time, special offer!/span>

From Saltability’s first ISPA Innovate Award for our Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer to this recognition, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that we are able to provide a product and service that continues to make an impact within the spa and esthetics industries around the world.

We are thrilled to have watched our Himalayan Salt Stone Warmer expand in popularity from massage therapists to estheticians. I love hearing feedback from estheticians on how well our Himalayan salt serves their clients — either by placing warmed salt stones in clients’ hands as a soothing alternative to bulky electric mitts, or by using hand-carved, 100% pure, warm salt stones to help provide a deep-tissue neck and shoulder massage.

Our goal is to help you boost the value of your facials. This award reinforces that we are connecting with you and your clients in a meaningful way. For that, we are grateful!

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